Jen’s Substack
Filler Fiasco

Filler Fiasco

Discover the startling reality behind dermal fillers as we explore the concerns raised by a doctor who claims his revelations might make him the most hated plastic surgeon in the world. This lucrative and widely popular non-surgical procedure has hidden risks that few talk about. Join me on a journey of empowerment as we delve into these controversial findings, potentially transforming your perspective on beauty trends. Stay informed, stay empowered!

Jen’s Substack
Join me as we explore natural ingredients, ancient practices and modern techniques that nourish not just our skin, but our entire being. Together, we'll learn from experts, share very personal stories, and empower each other to embrace our unique beauty from within. So whether you're a seasoned wellness enthusiast or just starting your holistic journey, FAB is here to inspire, educate, and uplift.