Jen’s Substack
Botanical Bliss with the Delightful World of Oils

Botanical Bliss with the Delightful World of Oils

Welcome everyone. On this episode, we're diving into the delightful world of oils. I'll discuss the fascinating differences between my favorite infused oils and then everybody else's favorite essential oils. I'm going to shed some light on these natural wonders that often leave some of you feeling a bit perplexed. If you're ready to dive into this aromatic journey with me, grab your headphones and let's go.

Jen’s Substack
Join me as we explore natural ingredients, ancient practices and modern techniques that nourish not just our skin, but our entire being. Together, we'll learn from experts, share very personal stories, and empower each other to embrace our unique beauty from within. So whether you're a seasoned wellness enthusiast or just starting your holistic journey, FAB is here to inspire, educate, and uplift.